Roxanne Wolf Shrine

Roxanne & Sam Probyn Meet

Sam & Roxanne first met when Sam accidentally stayed in The Pizzaplex overnight.
As soon as they locked eyes, it was love at first sight.

Here is a video of them first meeting. Aren't they adorable?
"I love my boyfriend Samuel Probyn! - Roxanne "Roxy" Wolf.

A selfie Roxanne took as found on her Instagram @R0xyW0lfX3
And Here is Roxanne!

Let's Do A Game, Guys!

Question Roxanne Sam Probyn
What's Your Favourite Colour? "I really like grey, like m beautiful fur! :3" "Red."

Roxy, What Are Some Items In Your Pockets?

What Are Your Favourite Things?

  1. Meeeeee
  2. Youuuuuu
  3. Samuel Probyn
A Song Probyn Wrote For Roxanne